• Eliminate Test Worship

    Think it’s always best to get tested? That normal CAT scan may seem reassuring when you have a migraine but it can be equivalent to 100 regular xrays! That can quickly add up to serious cancer risk. Tests are often useless and do more to protect the medical professional than to help the patient. Some common culprits: […]

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  • Ten Commandments of the Emergency Room

    I. Thou Shalt Plan in Advance Your Emergency Room of Choice Do not wait for a crisis. Do research now. Learn which hospitals are best for trauma, pediatric and heart care. Perhaps a local community hospital offers fine care for basic medical emergencies? Ask your doctor at which hospital he or she has admitting privileges or […]

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  • Should I Go to the Emergency Room?

    Sound Advice on whether or not to seek care at an emergency room from the author of, “ER: Enter at Your Own Risk – How to Avoid Dangers Inside Emergency Rooms.”

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  • Medication Use in Older Adults: Choose Wisely

    Medications pose potential risks in older adults more than younger folks. Read these must-do tips for using medication wisely.

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